Cruising Down the Road

“The wheels are faster than your hands”.

It is my first time driving. It is fun considering the bad essence that decorates the time during my lesson. As always, I land a spot in earning a well-craze exuberant man. He is fantastic, though his constant companion of chattering words that subsequently leads to dizziness fails to keep me on my two feet.

I guess it is a bad move to throw away the horse shoe since I have rapidly sinks myself into a deep dark hole.

The lesson starts off brilliantly, with a broken car and non-working air conditioner. However, all is good for me since the electrifying thoughts of driving make me feel like I am now much closer in becoming an adult. Yeah, driving will give me the power of excitement in cursing when stuck in traffics. (?)

When we arrive at the driving field, anxiety and freakish smiles kick in. After two gruelling hours of fears of running over the dog and immediate effects of u-turning for few minutes, the instructor delivers a manic idea, which is for me to drive on the busy roads if I manage to glue myself to the next lessons tomorrow. Mind you, the roads around my place are extremely intense and the people aren’t so ethical in driving.

Nonetheless, as happy as I did after the whole thing, my head beats me on raving and rubbing it off to my friend, who is not old enough to join me on this trip to road-kills. Countless more hours before I get to put my alluring skills to use. Or crying skill since that would make things much easier.

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