Youuuuul Neeeeeeveeeeer


It's quite obvious the amount of time some people have in their hands, especially when they're no longer tied upon the pillar of slavery.

After a month of excruciating pain of working, could now get back in the mood for Football.

The squad appears to be in a solid form, and the only thing I could do, is to hope that the look would translates on the pitch.

The boys have each scored their first. A massive Congratuwelldone! More to come perhaps. However, all good news must be accompanied by a bad one, Kelly could probably extend his injury days, and that's shit.

Nonetheless, they promised that I'll never walk alone, and after 10 years of supporting LFC, hopefully, this season would bring me a partner to walk together. Through the path directing to Anfield.

I quite enjoy this form of lame statement to be produced occasionally.

and dear God of Football, let the Gunners triumph in tomorrows' clash, as we could no longer tolerate brattiness and arrogance airing from those United bastards. May you bless us all.


The wounding sorrow
gleefully wrapping life in
Dispersing bile
on the reminiscence

Pass the warm fumes

Kiss the cold air

Hide the hands
that collect the memories
Close the eyes
that witness the bearing


G: Have you ever experience a moment when your heart just stops.
M: Cardiac arrest? No.
G: No silly! Like when you see someone you like, or the person you're really in love with.
M: That would be an alarming moment.... maybe you should see a doctor about that. Really, your heart stops and it doesn't worry you. How did he do that anyway? Making your heart stops when you see him? Is he a wizard, or he's just that ridiculously ugly, your heart just fails....

She probably despise me at the moment. Given the amount of terrible remarks I keep on throwing at her.

How could a heart stops beating when feeling comes in anyway?

Perhaps the only reason I am asking such question is due to my incapability to apprehend the concept of being in love, as everyone puts it. It is basically when a person turns the infatuation developed over another to an overt reality.

The suspension of life, for love is as dubious as it seems.

Love is when you:

Find someone you like, exchange batches of traits and interests, feeling a little more that you would normally feel for any other human beings, turn into someone a tad different than of what is modeled, embark on journeys, possibly pursue the evolution of the relationship, and die. Or you just realize what a bunch of tosh the person is and circles around the cycle again - with someone else that you believe to be of whatever it is.

Sounds a bit tiring is it not.

I am a horrible person, often found to be rude, deep in my own imagination, perusing
matters completely irrelevent to the progression of life (as people believe), unable to retain focus or control, selective in listening/hearing, enjoy manic subjects, hold on to the idea of life as an avenue to troll around while loving it, a bit blokish, can be aggresive at time, hate going out, and if I go on even further, I might just start thinking of myself as a corrupted monster. So how can there be a person to be able to take this.

Maybe I am just higlighting the terrible components, to avoid this subject altogether.

Maybe I just want to enjoy having the power to infatuate over any beings without the


Is there a proper or scientific explanation on how a heart could stop when in circumstancial dilemma or event. Clogged vein? Anything? Because if I ever start to experience it, I could seek help/intervention without wasting time.

I would really like to know that.

But the truth is, it hurts to arrive home from work, at midnight, with the glimmering moon inciting awful feelings about life, to only finds a cat waiting for you to come home, a text from a network provider saying stupid things, and a bed offering comfort and warmth. Because I would be much happier if a dog together with the cat are waiting for me to be back, with Jaffa Cakes and orange juice by the side of the bed, and a text from a friend telling me there is a wicked show on the telly. That is a life.

A Jolly Season

When an admin of a footballers' page updates shit like 'New picture...Show me some love', it is within a normal expectation for this kind of response to be given away. What baffles me is that it's approved for such comment to appear. A point for me?

Some says it's Martin Kelly himself updating, showing the side of him we don't wish to see. Nevertheless, the update, on the same boat as Maldinis' is deleted. Though I'm not assuming responsibility for this one as the poster below me takes one step further, and use the word 'Fuck'. We all know such crass language is not to be tolerated by them footballers. Pfft.

So far Me: 1+1, Footballers' Page: 0.

While we're at it.

Tired of United Fans being dickheads. So do I.

But what is there for us dispute. They're the champion. They're terribly good in everything in life. From shagging old lady(ies), being demanded for occasional drug test and missed it, being incredibly dumb, cheating on wives, constant appearances for public pub brawls, drunken antics, unprofessional behaviour on and off pitch, slagging off people for being more mature than they are, slagging of other teams for the other teams having more balls and brains than they are, chavy attitude, and football.

What do Liverpool have to offer? Good football and Stevie G public pub brawl.

I'm left unimpressed by my team.

We don't encourage our players enough, in supporting and chanting for our fellow running-chasing mates like Owen from United does for their beloved teammate.

He learns a lot of the good values since settling on the bench. Why can't WE thrive for such admirable gestures.

The only thing we have is Ste (don't watch it, just google-d it) screaming 'Go away! It's mah ball' during match.

Why can't we be great.

And it keeps on coming

"Even if all fat people are the way they are due to their bad choices, even if every single fat person is unhealthy, that does not justify sub-standard treatment. How can the health of strangers possibly inspire such vitriol? If you remain convinced that
others’ bodies are your business and people must justify their existence to you, perhaps you should consider the possibility that you are an arsehole."

She deserves a massive collection of laughter for what she shit about.

We don't care about fatties, but they are pushing it when they come on our telly and moan.

The "Why did I become like this?, How did I get this fat? I can't live like this.
This is not who I am." and it goes on, and on, and on.

So Ms. Frances Lockie, you wonder why we are in disgust over fatties. It's because fatties ruin our television experience by asking mind-boggling questions, while hoping we would show some sympathy, or empathy from fellow fatties.

You become fat, as the callous woman puts it (fat is not a fucking term to describe a person you idiot) because you eat like a cow after a year of hunger strike. So don't go around asking me why it happens, ask the one holding the shit.

Their fattiness is none of our business, but they make it into a business.

The same goes with models who look like they're about to jump into the soils. We bitch about it because they go on every possible media outlets and place together their bones, to make people believe that's the only way you can be look upon as beautiful, interesting, with the chance of banging those we could only long for. We bitch about it because they are implying the idea that looking like a dead person is a marvelous choice.

So, with all fat people being the way they are due to their bad choices, with every single fat person being unhealthy, that does justify sub-standard treatment as it goes by their constant efforts in moaning in front of our faces. The health of strangers inspire such vitriol due to the nature of fatties blaming everyone and everything else for their bad choices while taking their filth to tellies and make money for it. We are not convinced that others’ bodies are our business and people must justify their existence, but perhaps Ms. Lockie you should consider the possibility that you are an idiot because nobody gives a fuck about fatties before they pretend to have been treated as worthless fucks by the general public.

Oh, must point this out, this nutter writes for Cosmopolitan. Way to go, you hypocritical cow.

Hot Jumping Beans

After long hours of work, this REALLY made me happy, and food, and the fact that they make the fatty looks and sounds like an idiot/pig.

Me want some hot jumping beans with loads of ketchup.

Fucking hell, and people I know refuse to laugh as loud as they can.

You, dear sir, is a winner. And I applaud your effort in being super fine.


Cannot understand how no one else sees this. Maldini is great, but whoever posted this should know that he/she is making no sense at all.

Great they're having a wonderful holiday. What. Me? Manager? To who? Is this a fucking joke?.

It's sad to see the amount of 'Yes', 'What do I do?', and other oblivious comments.

Rest in peace my dear logic.

Ape vs Swat

Reckon that should be the sequel to Rise of the super long title for a film.

I find it incredibly idiotic with a touch of classic comedy, where you'd laugh mostly because it is stupid. Though my friend finds it to be a good film. I can't contest as I find everything to be shit.

It would've been better if they get actual raging monkeys, I mean apes to be in the film. The ape in hand is Caesar, who is quite cute before he goes mental - the point begin when the awful James Franco forget to pick him up from school.

Oh, and Franco just happen to get in a car that is virtually untouched by the raging apes towards the end of the film. Not even a freakin scratch.

Which proves that apes are considerate when it comes to this type of thing.

If any of the writer struggling for the next instalment, Ape vs Swat is the perfect gateway. You'll be on the edge of the seat when the plot revolves around raging apes battling horrible bunch of men in forms. Or just awful plot at its' best.

At the end of the day, the film is terrible because Franco is a thief, murderer and a bad father to an ape. And the ape demonize other apes, painting a bad picture on the population of apes. And with so many apes involve in the film and whatever shit I just mention, it just goes to show, you can never be too careful with apes. As they eat biscuits, and hang in numbers.


Obviously mama fucked a cow and a chicken. And dad didn't care even a tiny bit.

Way to teach children the foundation of bestiality, prick.

Half bake reality

The revelation that twats run around the net.

Facebook to be exact.

There's this one kid (he/she mentioned to be a teenager) posted on the LulzSec page "Ï am a teenager and you inspire me ;).". To my surprise, without a definite knowledge on what he/she found to be inspiring, people started to click on the develish 'Like' button.

Being the person that I am, I asked 'What exactly inspires you?' - and because I was in a good mood, I inserted 'Not trying to be a prick', before such question followed.

With time passed, my harmless question was not answered.

In despair, I found such has been deleted the next day when I eagerly check for a respond.

I don't find it offensive, or inappropriate - hence the reason it was not being respond to is simply because the kid is a twat. I'm being terrible here so let me retract it and reproduce my judgement, he's a teenager who can't possibly explain himself.

It's not known who might have deleted it, but a direct conclusion would be a revelation, that these people possess no idea/stance on what they're believing in, in other words, they're twats.

If you can't answer a harmless question by a curious cat, you don't deserve a place to say you are supporting a cause to annihilate parties trying to take away rights - to speak, etc.

You are by careful observation, a teenager looking for ways to be cool. Sadly boy/girl, supporting something blindly does not make you a cool kid.

And if the LulzSec themselves/itself deleted it, then dear sir, you are a sad excuse for a cause.

I sure hope it's a mistake, because I hate the idea of having mindless children running around the world.


The only reason for this distance, is the basis of this relationship.

We've scoured well within each other. With the eyes apart.

Volatile connections kept us in.

but this tailored piece fits well.

enough to be torn.


As you put it, I can't stand the idea of being with anyone whom I can't call names. Truth is, no one can stand me as I call them names.

We're two twats, capable of adhering to each others' antics. And that's what we'll always be - the two wrecking balls with time to spend.


With my mother finally consented in letting me further my studies in Anthropology, the dilemma still lives - as she has no intention to pay my tuition fee. To be able to receive the coveted Scholarship is just near impossible for an unlucky cow like me. Hence, I will just have to beg my father to pay for it. As if it makes it that much easier.

I would like to go back to New York, and live with the friend whom I would have no need to find excitement. I enjoy New York and I have my favourite places to be. Though like my mother, I could not stand the wicked weather, and if I to be following the mother's steps, the next plausible option would be California.

I don't know much in loving California. Good weather, but nothing else matters. However, the positioning is fantastic, as I have families dwelling around the State.

With that in mind, the final option would be to answer the call of my Uncle and live with him in London, which probably the next best option after New York.

And all these mongering, the most probably thing that would occur is me working like a dog and longing for the chance to do Anthropology. Never does anything I have wished for turns around and knock on the door. Hence, it is a waste of time to deliver my interest to reality.

Because reality is one annoying fuckface.
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