Insanity On The Run.

To say hello and goodbye,

To stare into eyes.

To shake away the memories,

To tap the beat.

Frequent tune in to small talks,

Visionary shot of long lost thoughts.

Strap in the new shoes,

Gaze for another view.

Sweet Temptation.

The smell of foreign breaths remind me of you.

I Survived

The camping trip.
Hah to those who think I can't make it.

Well, to be honest, I was pleasantly shocked to have found myself all giddy during and after the trip. It was rather epic despite the fact that I was all alone in the platoon (no such thing as group, we go by platoon or unit bla bla bla). No leeches but tons of biting bugs. I didn't bother to eat that much as I was flowing in red, no good eating too much because of that.

Almost half of my body is aching, good thing my parents let me skip classes.
Need food and rest. Classes and books will trail my seconds and burn me.
Two more weeks till my final.'ll.die.
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