Turn ON Your Lights Today If You Care

I am proud to state that I will not be following billions of people in the Earth Hour program today.

To begin with, I don’t believe in this idea.
In a short momentum, it’ll works.
For the long run, it will be defeated by the mass-consumption of electricity and others that have been primary contributors to the wreckage of Mother Nature.
I have my own beliefs and ideas on ways to slowly save our environment.
Does it make me a selfish individual for not listening to the ‘Environmental-Friendly’ idea?

I turn on the machine that gives me a cold breeze because of your bright ideas.
I want green, you want grey.
I yearn for strong tranquillity; you earn prides from your tall steels.

If you think this symbolic idea will wipe the tears of our ancestors,
Then I must’ve fallen long before it surfaces.

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