Bubble Wrapped Tounge

I reckon people should take those off their tounge.
Instead wrapped em with icy wits.

I enjoy the chilling feeling of the rains.
It is the only time where I could feel the nature.

Burn the olds, build the new
Replace the colour with your everlasting pride.
Shuts the mouth of those who sings to comfort
Comfort the grief to our greed


The place where my mum first showed me those delicate hands was the place where you first took me to know you.
I wonder if you had known me before.
Whether you have been secretly tagging along with me as a child.
Were you the shadow or the ghost.
As no words are exchanging as I write this.
I conclude that you were just a bystander watching the fat lady screaming onto my ears.
Green or brown.
I rather not choose


Unknown said...

did u wrote this urself??? If u did, it is very2 impressive

Aes said...

I just write things that re stuck in my head.

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