In 10 Years Time

I would like to sketch a portrait of my teenage self as a nonsensical, slightly peculiar and not much of an intelligence built sod, of a person. At this age, I am quite sceptical in going through the winding road of achievements and climbing the social ladder.

To begin with, I don't even believe in the latter creation as everybody knows once you're on top of any given circumstances, the person(s) below you will start a regime in toppling you. This = no relevance in life's autonomy.

Thus, the notion of completing the cycle of achievement at this age is as funny to me as learning vegetarians believe we shouldn't consume animals flesh as they are created to roam around this planet as much as we are promoted to commit to that lifestyle. I would bet that these people aren't as religious as they believed since they had missed out on few chapters of the holy book. But, I am no where near the greatness of creature so I would love to leave the subject of religion behind in being an opinionated fuck.

To be in peers where all have subscribed to the concept of completing eternal stretch of goals has placed me in a position where I would be happy just watching Strange but True episodes. It's almost as if the society has prescribed a new curriculum where the young should very well accommodate themselves with grand details of their future self.

Everyone now has something up in their minds in putting together the puzzles they had dreamed of as a child. I failed in adjusting to this subject as my goal in life is to be happy and it applies in all areas of my life, well generally. And,this is to be the least in the normal expectation of others and they're aren't happy with me. Except my own mother, of course.

Thus, in asking myself whether I am acting as an insolent child is irrelevant since I feel that I am doing quite well in making myself visible to reasonable people. To be a highlight in your society is not in my current or past, and hopefully future agenda. And, I am not interested in being a pastel to everyone else.

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