Chips or Poetry

Epic episode. One of the epic ones. There's another episode where there's a poll (obviously) asking what do the British public prefer, chips or poetry. Surprisingly, 80% prefer chips. I was thinking of the 20% of twats who answered poetry. I don't see people running around like mental when there's a short of poetry.

My mom has been complaining how I have been spending my break in room watching this type of show. Since she doesn't get why am I laughing like an idiot, I asked her to join me watching one of the episode. Evidently, being a mother, she doesn't laugh. At all. It's understandable because she's more interested in fat people moaning about their weight on Oprah. And she likes Oprah.

I'm not much of a funny person but that doesn't mean I should justify any hilarious idiotic remarks made. As we all agree, reference to the bottom bit of youtube annoys us while entertain us at the same time. It's fine if you don't think something is funny and you inform that to others, but love, don't bother explaining the reason behind it.

We get it, you're an idiot.

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