Manchester City

you have officially earn my respect now.

My appreciation towards City for a memorable match from both teams I couldn't really care about.

I won't change my mind on the team being a cash club, but I won't avert the very fact they have shown Manchester United and possibly every team in England that they don't back down that easily. They have leave me in complete awe and I am shaking my feet off the ground and worries go to the boys as they are facing City soon. 

King Kenny needs to re-evaluate the team and ends the constant reassurance. Finishing top four is the main priority as that is the goal foreseen when the King walks back to his throne. Leave the media and FA in the bin and get the squad together - chucking Potato Man Adam in a place where no one would find him. 

Pointers are from todays' match. 10 men against (again) 12 United, thick referee, unfavourable luck on their side, and two goals after down 3-0. The performance from City reminds me on the day Liverpool Football Club snatched the Champions League trophy off Ac Milan. The same drive navigating the movements. 

Again, I tip my hat off to Manchester City for brilliant performance. For me, you have won the match. Congratuwelldone even though you failed to go through. May you push LFC players for a win on the next clash. 

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