Chumba Wumba Gobbledy Goo

Family Guy in itself is an amazing creation, but this completes everything.

The God reference is quite harsh though the song makes up for it, eh? The replay button probably hates me now. 

I guess I find myself lucky I am not a fishing pot - the one you see in Deadliest Catch. Being thrown in the cold sea, finding yourself in gloom, waiting for a company. When the crabs come around, you thought finally you will be in a warm environment. Only then to realised they only come for what you have inside. And then you are pulled up to have the goodies all to the people and none for you. The cycle goes on eternally, leaving you empty and cold.

Somehow that pretty much describe the life of a human... Are we (or am I) really are the living counter part of a fishing pot.. 

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