Why Fret?

Wish I could take those words out of my mouth bulimic-style.

Few things have justify a very important fact, which is 2009 is and hopefully will only be my bad year. I don't feel a recap of shits should be going on again as I am already sick to my tummy.

No Shef for me but hopefully (in god's willing) they can defer my entry to March 2010.
Been waiting for it since I set off my feet from my secondary school.
Memang kene mandi bunga kalau macam ni. (Not that I believe in it anyway)

The thoughts of 3 years of overconfident-stuckup-pastmyage-irritating classmates does not and being the pessimist I am, will never interests me. I know I might possibly change my statement later on but I insist.

Susah lar kalau asyik nak pining for something and someone.
When will it stop hitting my luck.

Our French lecturer said 'Life is short and problems will always be there, so be happy'.
I guess that is why we are a complete different person.
And yes french is strangling my throat slowly as I am making a fool out of myself pronouncing the crazy susah words.
Should have protested on getting the Faculty's permission on taking German.
Cool sikit bile nyanyi Rammstein.
Setakat faham and can immitate lines from french films buat ape.
The level of coolness kurang.
Dahlar kene panggil rempit sebab stesen bodoh mentioned a name that coincidently is similar to mine requesting some shitty song.
Semua salah Yasmin Kejang.

If life is short, then I guess the problem will be too.
Ish, better not start thinking about it.
I want to go and let those freaky people do the past-regression thing on me.
That would made a day for historians all 'round.
A battle often takes place on a large field.
Go figure lar...

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