Gonna Wanna.

The smell of old chocolates and fresh towels made me feel normal again.

To be honest, living without a free-clean-easy washing machine made the cloth I used to wipe myself reeks. Part of me would like to stay there and skip the dream, but another part of me is dragging my feeling towards the departure lounge.
If life is full of shit, how do I flush it off?

As usual, Wednesday (past) has been fuuuun. A class in the morning and stupid yet amazingly fun kawad later on. I am aware on the fact my friends have been questioning the credibility of my elated stories. 'Kawad to me is fun... but you? Man that's something else', was the exact words of a friend of mine. Actually, three of them said the same things in a different manner. Shit, never would I thought they would think I am lying. Can't say what really made me enjoy doing it, though some would think they know why... hmmmm, but I am glad it made me skip the emotional zone. Minus the exhaustion and unbearable smell, I am happy I am actually out of the four-walled setting and doing something 'healthy'. But, the event of the 'eyes' talking nicely to me made me feel shit. Ah he was being nice and considerate to me since I was sweating and panting like mad. See, even with eyes like that, he can be considerate. Fuck, I should stop calling him that because I was supposed to be a nice person now. Not that anyone would believe me but hey, I got the chance to sleep through the morning but I pass. See I am a better person now.

My mom was actually encouraging me to join the kawad for the next few years I will be spending there. She said it will make me more 'gagah'. Haha what a joke. Nothing, and I mean nothing can take away the child in me that easy. Wow, guess I can be tough like that. Blood pressure, don't go down on me!


For few days now, I have been listening to people talking about Peter Pan and stuff. The truth is, I have not watch or have any knowledge in fantasies based children stories. I know about the seven little people and animals helping that poor girl and little red riding hood, but other than that, zero. Never has it cross my mind that someday I will discuss about the stories with my friends.
The fact that Dora was sacked due to her wierd influences to kids made me kind of sad. For her. You see she was sacked and replaced by her boring cousin, Diego. How would that made you feel. Eh Dora (Dojan) relax ya. You'll get another job, another pointless and ridiculous job that is. Haha
Go Reds. We have to win this season or I'll end up being called a loserfool fan for the next term. Be nice to me and win the damn title. Don't care on the fact we have the most 'patah' players, I still support you guys. What an encouragement...
Yes Hanna, the reason why I am writing like this is to piss you off. We can't write anymore. At least I can't. My head is spinning 'round with dodgy songs since... ever? When will we exchange accents. I could do some damage by talking with your accent. Bet you would be cast out too with my way of talking. Sheesh

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