Thumbs Off

"If I have more than two finger thumbs, I would give it to you"

Exactly what I said when a random (apparently) new musician asked for a thought on his/her music, since I had supported them on Jango. I believe that was the miracle of random clicking on his/her part because he/she has gotten more support, thanks to my mindless virtual nods of approvals. I did not even knew on the fact jango has a system of messages and friends request to begin with, thus, the empire of weird statements and human began to appear before me. Not so delightful as half of the faces in the box were fooled by my younger looking self hiding in the picture. Two of them actually gave away their phone numbers which was a bit appalling as I had to learn the default of today's' entities via internet. Nevertheless, it is, in a sort of twisted way, pleasing to see, virtually, on how much in common I have with old people.

I was not enthused when a question of 'Dave Gahan or Brett Anderson' was directed to me. Considering I do not know the answer to it. As subjective as it may be, it was unimportant. The only outcome would either be a debate on why I am wrong or an exchange of how much one of them is much cooler than the other, which was something I have no desire in pondering upon. It is like asking 'If you could revive any of your dead pet, which one would it be?'. The chances of being haunted by those of in my belief unworthy of a new chance to live = uncool.

Though, I have indulged in the love for Mr. Carr's look-a-like. Was not love as in love, more of a love as in like. To see how much my hatred had turned into 'liking' is quite amazing. Never would I thought he was more than an un-interesting lad with a sheer sense of words. And to know the length he went to earn an opinion showed he was more than what I believed he was. In a way, similar, to my own little self, eventhough I had failed in attaining any opinion at all.

Nevertheless, to a friend who hates my guts in enjoying nerdy matters, I am now in joy to inform you, I now have a new mission. Which is to travel to monasteries in search of an answer to a question, Why do people actually bother in spending the rest of their life in the spiritual laced glass house.

Mind you, I do believe in higher being, I just do not believe in setting aside the creations to be closer. And to see whether any of the Lama has an actual connection with the Khans. Here I come Dharamsala! And no, eastern religions are not funny, they are just, inquisitive. But that applies to all religion, or life.

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