Flight On

The emergent conscience blinking upon her sight. Counting colours while clutching the head lights. She is under every troops. To keep the threads in line. She blesses the air and curses the sun. Not keeping others. Not knowing much. Witnessing creatures assigning wrath. Her channels through their hasty fights. By losing everyone in a lightning night.


It could have been faster if I flick through the channels without putting in any consideration, since I no longer enjoy the telly as much as I used to. Same issue plastered all over for me to decipher? When it concerns a bunch of annoying friends who keep telling others on the friends' secrets, there is nothing for me to analyze or even bother.

People or 'friends' are generally funny. Causing them to constantly making you feel terrible about the slightest thing in life. Like, calling you ugly because one of your eyes happens to be looking weird, and putting you down because your shoes have dirts on it.

Seriously, I don't understand why 'friends' have this urge to say nasty things about you just when you are out of the gloom. 'I got terrible result', 'Poor you, and you smell and ugly.'. There is a reason why we name them as our friends and not just random acquaintance. If you have nothing nice to tell your friends, don't bother speaking to any of them. Criticizing is on thing, mindless bashing is another.

I get it, we all say nasty things about others, but not when you are supposedly under a close ties. We should know better how the friend would feel if we say some things. Calling your friend stupid when you know he/she has been struggling with a mental issue (alzheimer)and telling others your friend is ugly when he/she is in recovery after a horrible accident (bad sun exposure).

There's a reason why we're friends you douche. I think you're a bit ugly and dumb, but did I say it to you straight?

Hence, the reason why I would not bother having another 100 friends. I know better people are not necessarily interested in having you as another shoulder and hands to keep.

Though it's funny how I keep complaining. I guess I am a douche to my own self. Self douche-ry.

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