Set To Fail

If growing older means giving up your high aspiration for envious dreams, I should very well pass the bad news before it starts.

The past week is nothing more than clouds of confusions surrounding me. I am no longer in my own capacity to be in my own mind. Half of the people I know are doing great and somewhere off my feet. Lying about feelings is a preference no one should stick to as it does you nothing more than helps you in sinking deeper into your own puddle of fears.

No one really knows the fact that I am aching to leave, just so I could forget the feelings I have to put up with everyday. Why can’t people be blunt rather than meddling with others' red button. I am no better than anyone but at least I try so hard in dealing with it.

Just when I set aside my aggressive mask is exactly when people find me as a target, in getting everything they can’t get on their own. If you ever believe in pushing me down the road will get you further, then much apologies. Stepping on others is not a skill I have attained in the process of adding up my number and it is not one of which I have desired for.

Even with my ugly features to your eyes, I feel good.
Even with a lack of talent, I am content.
Even with you as a person I have circled myself around, I am living.

So forget about treating me like garbage and be happy, because you will never be with such attitude.

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