Fools Are In You

Parade and chant for your brick end. Pose around the images of your catastrophe. Cling on to it. Grab it quick. Cry on a life that is never easy. Suave your way. For them to witness, the build from the past.


The one thing I can't stand the most in people. The words on how hard their lives were and still are. I get it, your life is misguided by terrible events. And now you're a toughie. Seriously, everyone goes through shit in their lives so have a decency to not dumb yourself down by exposing a small magnitude of the calamities in your life.

I'm not as old and 'wise' as you are, but I am sure I have gone through a deeper hole than you. Get over yourself, you fool.

Life's hard, don't boast about it.

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