This is the youth of today

When I first watch this, I know it is either that I am still dizzy from the sleep, or I have gone mental.

But I believe this song and video pretty much sums up the world of today's youth.

By observing each separately, you will infuse your head in the horrible structure of kids these days. The music is a shit, no point clarifying and explaining it. But the video is the best. I mean where else can you see idiots pretending to run but unfortunately is unable to. I bet that is how this whole shuffling manic starts. One kid trying to impress the peers by swift move and amazing sprint. However, lack of time spent outdoors forced his body to make him look rather stupid. As a defense, he made up a dance move excuse without weighing the fact that he looks like an idiot. And voila, the birth of a hip trend that embarrasses other less hip kids for not loving it.

Truthfully, I do not even want to figure how the world would evolve, considering this is put up and people are not as livid about the cultural movement as I am. Mission caveman will still be in my thoughts. Thank you a band (more like a couple of funny looking fellows) that is dodgy enough to wear a jacket with only one proper sleeve and shove mockeries in my face when I am denying its' sea of coolness.

1 comment:

aku said...

sabar amal sabar....

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