
There is a better echo on the side of your window.
Persistent clamours absorbing sky.
Moving as the blues would.

There is more than one watching your glass shield.
Holding out for a touch.
Whispering word under the lights.

There is more than could acquire.
From letters and synchronized hymns.

There are words and feelings.
Though they never reach me.


We dream of dreams to stray away from sorrow. But most of the time we forget how the trap tricks us into it.

Mother is all in joy after the big sleep. And my Uncle (make it two of them), grant a permission for me to stay with them for summer. I have the internship as an excuse to get away from people I know off. Except that would not work since I still have acquaintances there. Hence, the extreme frugal in me has to be put to use because tickets will never fall from mother skies.

Though we have reached an agreement, by the time I turn 21, A match and a trip should be enjoyed for I to show how I am no longer 12. Despite the constant effect delivered by the people who still think I am 12.

Fuck it, I would be 20 this year and no one see the maturity on the exterior part of me. And I have never watch a live footy match. Except if you consider jumping for a sight behind the rubbish an experience.

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