It was not as it was used to be

To look back in time.
To look deep into the past.
Not only had I found myself trapped inside dilemmas
I found myself the key to the one living inside me.

2 feet tall and my mom showed me the way.
The way most walk-men cripple to get there.
Pride and generous in space provide a sense of being.
To only those who managed to leave others behind.

It was back then when I said to myself,
‘I will someday trim the shrub and sleep inside the place’.
It was not just a dream for me,
It was a game.

That was approximately 10 years ago.

Now, looking back without regret.
I now see myself contradicting with my former past.
The place I long for is no longer in my check-list.
The game I once wished to enter will never be applied.

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