World ______ Day

It seems that we are always in need of other's instruction.

World's Aids Day, Hungers Day, Pink Ribbon, Mother's Day, and other craps they can think of. Complying to these kind of programmes is a new way of life, for some. The only reason I buy cards during one of the 'Days' is because my loves would be expecting one from me. A sense of pride when joining the charade is not an accomplishment for me. I buy stuffs for my loves quite often, set aside the luxury. When a person bust their neck for money to get gifts, it's a sign your loves worth a shit.

Frankly, I couldn't give a shit during one of these days (Hungers, bla bla bla) since they are ruled by 'important people' anyway. Leonardo whateverhisnameis for the 11th hour, really? I bet those polar bears are kicking your ice-face for the green space you took in landing your cheap butt every night. Yeah 10 rooms for a person will save the nature. The probability of others to gag is much higher than you think when having to bear that horrid idea of saving the earth.

Ms. Jolie letsstealothershusband, ambassador of UN? Well, UN is not a real organization but still. How would you feel if a slag comes to you, sobbing to death to save you from dying ends up in high-end stores to get a cloth to wipe her magnetic skin. I do lavish myself sometime but I don't tell everyone to save a penny so there'll be another life on the other side of the world.

Why can't we do it ourselves. Send people who could care less of fame and fortune in helping those in needs. Those who are able to get in the mud to pull golds for others. 'With fame, people listens and follows you' applies to those absent-minded donkeys. Did you know almost 80% of money donated didn't reach te places where it should have. So much for 'Your penny will save a life'. One day, in god's willing, I'll do anything I can to help those who failed to receives the privilages I have. Though, I will not give them monies blindly. Again almost 92.3% of those in poor countries wait for foods to land on their open laps. I survived 50 RM every weeks with extras, so why can't others?

I know people are dying for lack of foods and cares, however hypocrisy does not saves lives.


ain najwa said...

ceh, aku baru nak ajak kau pergi amnesty punya event 12 haribulan ini...
walaupun kadangkala benda-benda ini macam mengarut, tetapi tidak salah kalau kita turun padang...dengan adanya solidariti, adalah harapan dan perubahan
hehehehe :)

Aes said...

Hehe memang lar.
Aku tak cakap semua.
Ada apa 12hb ni?

bobby jenerator said...

event menulis surat...kau bukalah untuk tengok maklumat lanjut...
macam menarik saja hehehe:)

Aes said...

Nanti aku tengok2 lar

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