Jealous Much?

Strong word for idiots all over.

I have notice whenever anyone makes a comment showing dislikes towards certain things, that word would follow up.

Reality is, not everyone finds it interesting in conforming to society. If that is the only thing that you are capable in forming into a accusation, try harder because I bet the biscuits on the aisle four are not impressed by your hypocritical analysis.

Why should anyone look up to others especially rickety models on the runway. The point of having someone to show you the world is downright ridiculous. Nobody knows your own life better than you so why bother looking for a help in direction.

Never in my mind do I wish for being a different or unique bitch. It just happen that I have strong dislike towards things loved by others. It's your role models are the one trying their very best in being different because they are aware of the very fact that they are just plain civilians on the surface. So before you laugh at me for pretending to be different, look in the mirror honey, since you are on the train to Wah Wah World.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah! Right on >.0
like this, do this, weight this much, love this, do that, must this, no to that, wear this, eat this, hell.

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