For All The Reasons

Reasons are now substitutes to vitamins/pills.

For every action there will be reasons, and half of the time it is for a terrible action or of the wrong reason.

What bothers me the most at this age is coffee shops/houses. It is sad that the old quaint coffee houses are beaten by the modern-esque shit coffee. I for one find no pleasure in S____ucks or any other chain coffee shops.

If you had a choice:

Take a day sipping coffee at one of the chain shops and you'll wish your life has ended long before you step into the shop. Giggling symphony of girls exchanging gossips or latest trends, sounds of machines desperately "brewing" drinks and stuck up workers pretending they owned every customers.


Spill your caffein-ated urges at the old proper coffee house and you will get a reverse effect of modernizaton. Clattering noise of cups and saucers, fresh blood of a paper cut from flicking the pages of newspaper idly and forgetful drinks attendants.

Which would be your preference.

I am not a coffee enthusiast but the atmosphere I had lived when sitting in coffee houses made me nonchalantly happy. The smell of coffee leaves being crush and drown in hot water seems palpable to me that I am not much of a modern bitch.

Finding the perfect coffee house here is something I have yet to achieve. Though, the coffee house near Eton was a remarkable experience. It was quite fun to sit there and enjoy your cup(s) of coffee while watching posh kids dreaming of their soon 'glorious' day(s). It was nothing like a fast agitating ambience I normally get when passed along those chain shops.

It is understandable that most working people buys coffee from those chain shops is due to the fact they are always chasing time. The only thing that bothers me is that kids these days take the idea of hanging out there for the rest of their lives as being cool and hip. Not only it costs more, evidently it costs your moral standpoint.

Withal, I cannot complain much as I am not a part of the chaos. Coffee makes your teeth yellow anyway. Might as well stain it with something rather invigorating like a cup of nice warm tea (any type will do) pairs up with a melting biscuits.

Modern people and their destructive weapons.

(Funny how I sound like a 100 years old tard)

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