However, I found some rather interesting items while cleaning it, which are shoes. It's probably my mums' old shoes since it is all dusty and wrinkly. The best part is, I am positive the shoes had cost her some dough since it of high end shits. Well one of them. Since she doesn't care to clean them, I figure I should so I could have them. Besides she always makes fun of my sneakers. Oh and I still keep my last shoe from the secondary school days.
The trip to our old house is a must since all my other fun belongings are still there, aging.
The shoes.
It looks ugly and old but who cares. Nothing beats free goods. ;p
Someone needs to take care of her stuffs. Typical mum, leaves things for her only daughter to pick it up. Good thing am interested in this ones. No heels, that's the only reason I'm keeping these babies.
ehh ngok cantik la those loafers. pakai pg class! :)
Kene polish dulu. Must be like from 10 years ago. Hehe Thanks
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