When an admin of a footballers' page updates shit like 'New picture...Show me some love', it is within a normal expectation for this kind of response to be given away. What baffles me is that it's approved for such comment to appear. A point for me?
Some says it's Martin Kelly himself updating, showing the side of him we don't wish to see. Nevertheless, the update, on the same boat as Maldinis' is deleted. Though I'm not assuming responsibility for this one as the poster below me takes one step further, and use the word 'Fuck'. We all know such crass language is not to be tolerated by them footballers. Pfft.
So far Me: 1+1, Footballers' Page: 0.
While we're at it.

Tired of United Fans being dickheads. So do I.
But what is there for us dispute. They're the champion. They're terribly good in everything in life. From shagging old lady(ies), being demanded for occasional drug test and missed it, being incredibly dumb, cheating on wives, constant appearances for public pub brawls, drunken antics, unprofessional behaviour on and off pitch, slagging off people for being more mature than they are, slagging of other teams for the other teams having more balls and brains than they are, chavy attitude, and football.
What do Liverpool have to offer? Good football and Stevie G public pub brawl.
I'm left unimpressed by my team.
We don't encourage our players enough, in supporting and chanting for our fellow running-chasing mates like Owen from United does for their beloved teammate.

He learns a lot of the good values since settling on the bench. Why can't WE thrive for such admirable gestures.

The only thing we have is Ste (don't watch it, just google-d it) screaming 'Go away! It's mah ball' during match.
Why can't we be great.
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