
With my mother finally consented in letting me further my studies in Anthropology, the dilemma still lives - as she has no intention to pay my tuition fee. To be able to receive the coveted Scholarship is just near impossible for an unlucky cow like me. Hence, I will just have to beg my father to pay for it. As if it makes it that much easier.

I would like to go back to New York, and live with the friend whom I would have no need to find excitement. I enjoy New York and I have my favourite places to be. Though like my mother, I could not stand the wicked weather, and if I to be following the mother's steps, the next plausible option would be California.

I don't know much in loving California. Good weather, but nothing else matters. However, the positioning is fantastic, as I have families dwelling around the State.

With that in mind, the final option would be to answer the call of my Uncle and live with him in London, which probably the next best option after New York.

And all these mongering, the most probably thing that would occur is me working like a dog and longing for the chance to do Anthropology. Never does anything I have wished for turns around and knock on the door. Hence, it is a waste of time to deliver my interest to reality.

Because reality is one annoying fuckface.

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