Growing up as a child supporting Liverpool FC, I was always quite aware of the tragedy that rendered 15th of April as date unlike any other.
Despite the sense of knowing an inch of such history, I was not in any shape to understand the situation when it happened, as I was not even born. Hence, no feelings ever developed or evaluated on the matter. However, as I entered Law School, I got the chance to understand the cases involving the Hillsborough Disaster, seeding greater effects in me. Reading the lines as I had placed myself as a spectator of the disaster itself apprehend my thoughts on how those involved would have felt.
A tremendous wave shook me and propel me into a realisation that it is more than a remembrance of those who never got the chance to return, but it is a catch on a band that pull those involved and the fans through the painful memory, cementing a recognition on how those lives shall never be forgotten.
To witnessed the aching minutes that took the lives away cannot be compared to anything remotely akin.
However, this had staple an image of football as a great sporting event. Since the tragedy, the 96 lives had been showered with tears and thought within and outside of The Reds circle. It had extended further into the football minds and hearts.
To know how one agonizing event consolidate the different crests and chants made it even more significant.
Words cannot be put together to express my thoughts and feelings on this particular matter. With this, my heavy heart goes to those who had been carrying the tears all the while.
"People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long." - Rafa Benitez
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