I know by right this should not be subjected for others to ridicule, but it is too much for any sane person to keep.
Apparently the idea attained by Facebook users in showing the public 'female power' is by doing this. It is done in supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. The relevance to it is quite of a perplex idea for me to grasp.
The idea is, girls are invited in conducting this massive idiocracy to confuse men. I do hope they are not serious in this business because men would not be near the applause machine, instead they might laugh their arse off for the women's shallow thoughts.
To show support for BCA would be more than attempts to look cool and 'confuse' men, and be on the telly for it.
Posting random colours indicating your bra and random fruits to mark your status will be, in no way relevant to others' fight against Breast Cancer.
Hence, feminists should re-think on their whole purpose of being idiots. Pankhurst and de Beauvoir did not fight for this.
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