
Are all librarian and bookshop attendance a bit snarky. In a sense that they over evaluate you as a customuer. Not that it is a bad thing, it just puzzles me.

I was thrilled when I heard we were going out for books (groceries and shits too). Though we went to a different store than I intended to release my thrilling bubbles. Nonetheless, I had to search for Winfield as I had been asked to get it. They had changed the book sections so I had to go to the information counter to asked it's whereabouts. The guy standing behind the counter looked as normal as any librarians would be. I threw him Winfield's name but somehow he found it funny. He kept poking me about the name eventhough I was nonchalant about it. Then, with all the courage and insensitive boy in him, he asked me 'What was your REAL dream?'. How much more obvious can my face be, this should be the time where the actress caged inside me faked a smile but she was lost. In ways even babies would have laughed. He repeated the same words then leaned to me with a face of 'Tell me now or I'll shoot you' (exagerration is for entertainment purposes only yeah). With that, all of my objectives to be prudent dissapeared, and I answered 'Árt History'. He went on about why I changed my mind and daft things like that, so I wish to neglect that bits as it annoys the fuck out of me. When he told me they don't have the book and yada-yada, he (again) leaned to me and said 'Don't let them ignore and forget about your dreams, don't listen to them, even your parents, it's too precious'. Yeah, how weird was that. I felt like having that little devil in the Lords of the Rings spoke to me. He's mad alright. My mum reckons he's into me but that has got to be the worst (and ridiculous) pick up lines, ever. I wish the guy in Tesco would have talk to me instead of LOTR devil (Gollum was it?).

Doesn't bother me the fact that I have never fond of librarians or related entities. Don't I possess any looks of lawyers or legal being? Oh he told me I would make a good Art History teacher. Hah for once.


I'm giving my child's name (if it's a girl) Alva or Irva. Thanks Edward for such insight on names.

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