I wish I could've finish reading the book by now. I need a book-buddy.
The point of idiocracy and oddity has risen up drastically over the past few months of my life. Constant deep breaths and crazy eye movements nearly placed me in a frantic mode. Sometimes I don't even know what exactly is travelling 'round my head. Could be a pointless and reckless thoughts, and it could be a briliant one. I'll never passed the juvenile phase without stumbling across my past. Wonder how he, she, they and them have been without me. A day, three weeks or five years will not change the fact that I miss them so much. It was diferent back then. We were kids. There were rules but we were too happy to obey it. Broken nose was something we were proud of and dirty clothes were markers of our days. I remembered when one of us bought a book, we shared and read together on the wet carpeted grass on the playground. Sometimes we took turns to take home and pretend we're reading it in front of our parents. Too bad none of the grown ups were impressed with our shenanigans tactics to earn things.
I could read newspaper 'cleverly' when I was 5 but for some reason, it never interests my mom. First short story when I was 6, painted my first piece of shit when I was 2. These events, though has never caught the attention of my mom, has amazingly impressed my friends. Never in an educational-purpose reflection. I guess, that is why I've never cared about anything. Because due to my mom lack of attention in selling me to the corrupt minds of child-institutions, I appreciate my own works and efforts. I was never a child prodigy in others' eyes, but I knew I was something more than a daughter to her. It's a good thing I never knew about anything. It gives me freedom to fly around with my nonsensical reasoning.
Whatever it is, I still want new books.
DaisyMiller, BrokenApril, TheDeepEndofTheOcean, TheDevilsofLoudun and the list goes on. If I were a criminal, I'll rob a fucking bookstore. As nerdy as it seems, it'll be a cool thing for me. My friends have been teasing me on how I don't have a life since I don't go out of the house. Truth is, those who goes out often are the one without a life. They have to go out and search for something to make it appears as if they live on the purpose of satisfying the outside world.
Alas, I found a reason to dodge others discriminating judgments on me. Not that I care but to minimize the effect is something to be acknowledge.
Guess the anthropologist in me will never let me down.
Ceh ape lar aku tekan that made this thing works shitty.
Note: The picture is not the book. BeyondRetro punya bende. Tak sangke Dan is into it too, or he was forced to. Who knows.
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