Winning at winning

"Wooow!! Big brother was lively tonight, dnt usually tune in but was flicking through n thought what's jeremy kyle doin on at this time!!"

Not bad boy, considering I actually chuckled. 

Had a worst time with the interior of the nasal cavity. It was at this time I had thought, Michael Jackson (RIP) would not have the same problem since he could just take off his nose and have that being dealt by someone else. 

Been producing nonsense over this couple of days. Convinced people that F1 drivers are horrible criminals and the actual purpose of F1 was to get rid of the criminals, each race is designed to take out one by one. They never look at you in the eye so that is a clear give away.

I need a good medicine to cure this insanity. 

Good luck boys and please win it for me. When the whole household is infested with Ferguson, you need hope to make it through the day. If you lose, I will fucking curse you lots. Or not.

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