Metal Bums

Where world culture is dominated by people who build themselves based on the culture, it is not easy being the one who do not understand of such culture (?).

Pop-ish twats wear shits, punk kids try to look tough, indie peeps dress annoyingly 'cool', and hipsters are a sad excuse.

Oh yeah, and metal heads should look like this

To note, that is a bloke looking funnily like a girl, or it is just me that thought he looks more like a girl.

While I enjoy almost all types of music, except the ones where the lines consist of something to do with fucking a girl or smacking her arse, or anything remotely stupid as that, I find it difficult to relate to anyone else who shares the same enjoyment. However, I face a challenge, when confronting the other music goers. Most of them often give me a funny look, implying their belief that I am an imposter and I will never belong in such music culture.

For instance, I fucking enjoy metal music, which is the first rhythm I enjoy as a child. Yet, none of the metalheads enjoy seeing me, as I look like this

Not my best look but it indicates how I do not look the part, any part of the music culture.

But really, are you that deep in shithole that you need to assume a look to be a part of something. And by giving me faces, you bury yourself even deeper my friend. I like how I look so sod off, and I like my coffee just like my metal. Haa no coffee is shit, and metal music is not.


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