
" Dreams and restless thoughts came flowing to him from the river, from the twinkling stars at night, from the sun's melting rays...... He had begun to fell that the love of his father and mother, and also the love of his friend, would not always make him happy, give him pease, satisfy and suffice him........ the vessel was not full, his intellect was not satisfied, his soul was not at peace, his heart was not still. "
: Siddhartha

After much infusion of my thoughts and eyes on Siddhatha, I realized how it is pertinent and relevant to our lives. Maybe to a fraction of humanity.

People often seed the idea in us, that love is the only thing that matter. For worse, for poorer, in sickness, so long love stands by us, nothing could ingest our beings. It is undeniably the most ludicrous idea as the minute we are on our feet, there is a passage illuminating our project in life. Our own ideology and our mission.

Some lives to be rich while others live to go mental. No one really live just to have love.

Love has no correlation to the constant thirst that pulls us away from the path. Love plays no part in the sacrificial bath. Love could never be the reason we keep on chasing after the unknown.

Perhaps, love is everything, and I am just in denial as I am the rat in the trench.

1 comment:

HL said...

'If there is love, why are we still bruised'

Remember this line you wrote me a while back.

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