Potting With The HP

I watched the first part of Harry Potter. It ended with people or things dying, and Harry the Whiny Twat becomes a gravedigger. Fantastic.

Since I have only watched the first three, two minutes in " What the fuck is going on here? What is it this way and who are those people." I wanted to ask my friend but she was too hooked on the lines, I don't even think she knew I was next to her.

That's the danger of improper trail in the sequence of inventions. I don't read the book and essentially, I don't care for it. I thought watching it would be fun since it is imaginative, and impressive coming from a supposedly single mother who was on the brink of being a bum, or she was a bum then she got on the train and found magic.

Who knows what is the exact story. All we know, she got the idea when she was eating a 10 quid muffin.

Nonetheless, I would watch the second part.

While watching it and they were mentioning Voldemort (OMG) or his funny face was on, I remembered a friend believing it was stupid for the name we shall not mentioned (I knew she was making fun of Shamalan's yellow thing) to not change his name into a common one, Jamie, John etc. Since in that case, it could be easier for him to kill others as they didn't know he has changed his name. Potter playing board game going 'Hey Jamie, I just got a new-" and Bam he's dead. Thanks to the trip to court for a name change and Harry Whiny Potter is dead.

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