If it is ever real and constant. I will let you see me. If it is ever strong without your strength. I will come in your dreams.
By every night and day I call you. To beseech for needs. Unable to calm the wind, or tame the cruelty surrounding you. To rent another seconds with thoughts on me. On no one else but me.
Though I have no place in reality. In moving picture or stale frame. No pieces to find. To try and sense.
Without you I cannot exist. Without you I can never be real.

This is one of my favourite video from one of my favourite song. It can really takes you off your mind and put you somewhere no one else can venture into. They have a Part 2 of the song and it is even more beautiful.
This kind of song made me realized how the bad image painted by others on mainly metal music, is an absolute nightmare. I rarely come across a demonic song of satanic purposes. Probably but unlikely (Stairway to Heaven for fuck sake, and you enjoy it).
Nonetheless, I wish I could go deep into my own dreams (some of it) since it is the only avenue I could explore myself without touching reality sensitivity. Perhaps I could head into the loony bin and commit to such.
Perhaps this should all be a dream.
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