That Sneaky Clock.

Time jumps a bit too fast once you have discover your own path in connecting yourself. The fact of which our family friend informs my mom I might be a wife in my mid twenties scares me. I do not necessarily dwell myself in the shallow sea of love. Love, to me, is another level of infatuation and marriage only cemented such. Forever and ever, until the brick falls on you.

I enjoy getting all giddy and silly when my days are finally stretched to a new height, but it always stops there. Never will there be a fast-paced conversation since I am built to last for 'horrific' circumstances. I like it when she tells my mom, good things will happen to me later on in my life (probably once I turn 50). Falling cocoon is a new way for me to prep a better looking smile.

Might as well send the fiber balls to the limbs.

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